Monday, July 14, 2008

Its trailer time!

Whenever I ask someone, his/her opinion about a movie running in theatre, a rather obvious question that accompanies sounds like "Were their any movie trailers during the intermission?".

I love watching them. For good movies, trailers have to be good too but its a real bonus in the case of the not-so-good ones. They usually come with the best parts from the movies (for example Torque) or the trailer will be so bad that there wont be any pending decision whether to see the movie or not ('Don Muthuswamy' comes to my mind). So here are a few trailers that come up as favorites when I think of it right now.

1. Mission Impossible III : It has 'personal' written all over it. Well, people never noticed but the whole MI series has personal written all over it even with all that style.

2. 300 : This trailer had me literally dropping my jaws. "This is Sparta!!!" and a kick somewhere around the abdomen...WOW!!

3. Sexy Beast : This is a relatively unknown but gem of a movie starring Ben Kingsley. If you are familiar with only Mr. Ben 'Gandhi' Kingsley, watch this for Don Logan (a foul mouthed gangster). The trailer gives a good sample of whats in store. Shocking!!

4. LA Confidential : Both the trailer and the movie have a place right at the top in my favorites list. The best investigation movie ever made!!

5. Ekalavya : One of the best trailers from Bollywood. Can never expect anything lesser than this from Vidhu Vinod Chopra. Only if the movie was this good....

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