Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last Night

Last Night (1998)
Directed by: Don McKellar

End of the world or apocalypse has always fascinated film makers. We have had a wide range of movies which describes the end or 'the acts to prevent the end'. We have seen rockets with oil drillers going to an approaching meteor to explode it up (Armageddon). We have seen a bunch of astronauts driving their ship onto the meteor to save the earth (Deep Impact). We have even seen a team being dispatched to light up a dying sun (Sunshine).

In the late 90s came the 'Last Night'. The premise is simple. The end is near. Man has made every attempt to avoid it and failed. All hopes of survival are gone. People have accepted the fact that the world is in fact going to end tonight. So the narrative catches up with Sandra who is trying to get back to her family before the world ends. We get to see another family who is on a get-together as if its Christmas and they are having a turkey for dinner. Then there is this guy who is fulfilling his wish of sleeping with whoever he wanted to sleep with (all of them).

The movie explores the situations of a lot of characters like this. Frankly I dont remember all the character names and I am too lazy to look all of them up in IMDB. There is no exciting twist either. But something about the plot keeps you occupied. The originality and simplicity of how man accepts his fate and decides to live the rest of his life doing what he ever wanted to do rather than worrying about the end leaves a nice taste in your mouth. Try to get hold of this movie and watch it once. You might enjoy it for its variety in treatment and freshness of the theme.

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